Move out cleaning - Zürich
Moving into a new home can be very exciting, but it can be challenging and tiring at times. Whether you are moving out or moving in, you need to take care of certain things in order to proceed with the moving process.
Here in Switzerland, there are very strict rules about the conditions the properties must be in before the keys are returned to the owner.
Moving Out Cleaning Service in Zürich and Zug
In order to abide by the rules when moving out of the house, it’s a better idea to make sure that things are in the right place and that the property you are leaving is cleaned.
For any situation, whether you are leaving for a new place on rent or when you are selling / renting your own property and are looking for potential buyers or tenants, it is important to make sure that the home that you were in is clean and spotless.
Book NowHow do I do this?
Well, you don’t need to worry about ANYTHING! We are more than happy to take care of the cleaning and transfer of your old home in Zürich and Zug, which will help in letting you focus on the more exciting aspects of your relocation.
We can clean your apartment / flat / house with a handover guarantee, and we will stay with you till the handover process is completed. Furthermore, we speak English, German, Italian and Spanish languages, and we can help you with the needed translations at the handover.
We offer you:
- Move out cleaning with handover guaranteed!
- Final cleaning
- End of lease cleaning
- End of tenancy cleaning
- Handover guarantee cleaning
- Apartment / flat cleaning with handover guarantee
- End cleaning
- Final cleaning
- Relocation cleaning
- Tenancy termination cleaning
So what are you waiting for? Whenever you are moving in or moving out make sure to contact us so that we can help you with the smooth process.
Contact NowHow to handover your apartment smoothly?
How clean does an apartment / house need to be?
The answer is ," The new comer should not need to clean the apartment any more when he moves in "
In other words,
"You have to leave your apartment in the same condition as you got it when you moved in "
This is the rule in Switzerland which is respected and practised all over the country.
There are very strict rules about cleaning and move out cleaning in Switzerland that`s why when you move out or change an apartment or house the move out cleaning with handover guarantee should be done through a professional cleaning company. Move out cleaning has different names such as end of tenancy cleaning, relocation cleaning, inspection cleaning or final cleaning but more commonly used name is move out cleaning with handover guarantee. A handover guarantee means that the cleaning company will stay with you at the handover time till your landlord or agency are fully satisfied with the quality of the cleaning and if there are some issues then cleaning company has address these at the spot without charging and extra money.
Can I clean my apartment myself?
Yes of course you can if you feel so, here are some points why it`s better to hire a professional cleaning company for an apartment handover cleaning service?
You do not have professional cleaning supplies therefore cleaning process and quality may not will meet the Swiss standard move out cleaning protocol.
You may have to take some days off from work to complete the cleaning or have to do this in your after work hours which will be very stressful for you. A cleaning company comes with a team , one starts with kitchen, second one with bathroom, third one with windows, fourth one with doors and so on , they finish the job together and everyone is experienced in his/her cleaning tasks.
It will be difficult for you to get a starting and end point maybe.
By hiring a cleaning company for your handover cleaning process, you have a control on the cleaning price which means you accept the quote which suits your budget otherwise it turns to more expensive in many cases.
Let`s suppose if you have cleaned your apartment, if it is accepted then you are lucky, otherwise your landlord will call any cleaning company with any price , let the job done and deduct this money from your rental deposit because the tenant is at the door and ready to move in. This situation will be very stressful for both of you and in this way, you will also not have a control on cleaning price because this time landlord / agency hire any company and pay them according to their demand with having your OK.
Get a QuoteImportant points to be taken in consideration:
Your apartment should be empty and thoroughly cleaned either by yourself or by a professional cleaning company offering the apartment handover guarantee cleaning.
If you have taken over some items or installations (like wardrobe, bed, lights etc.) from the last tenant then you are responsible to remove them if the next tenant or the landlord does not want to have or take over these ones.
It`s very beneficial if you have a liability insurance which can take over the damages which were accidentally happened during your stay (falling of a bottle of coke, wine, on the floor or basin etc.). Damages which happened gradually like moulds in the bathroom because you did not enough ventilated the bathroom or your chairs were keep on scratching the floor or you never remove the carpet from the floor and with the time this part of the floor got different colour etc. are generally not covered from you insurance company. Please call up your insurance to get more information about damages.
If you have pets in the house/apartment then we recommend you to always have a pet insurance because pets mostly scratches the walls or floors or doors etc. in most of the cases such damages are covered from the insurance company.
Do not forget to forward the exit list from your landlord/agency to your hired cleaning company.
Small repairs should be done from you prior to your handover date.
Your apartment handover agent should have all the house keys with them which will be handed over to your landlord/agency later on. If you have lost a key then you have to inform and claim your insurance so that you will be able to inform this to your landlord who is going to pay this. In mostly cases of key lost the landlords/agencies change the entrance lock which results in changing the keys of the whole building so it`s an expensive process. If you have a modern key with a battery in it, it will be less expensive and maybe they just deactivate this from their entrance system. To stay on safe side please contact to your insurance and your landlord in this case.
Holes in the walls must be filled either by you or a painter, we recommend you to ask your landlord / agency regarding to this which will suggest you their acceptable options.
Chimney needs to be cleaned through a professional chimney cleaning company. A normal cleaning company does not offer this service. We recommend you to hire a chimney cleaning company for this. They will also give you a certificate which you may have to show your landlord.
All small maintenance issues like change the light bulbs, changing the oven protect foil or changing the filters in the bathroom ventilation if necessary is your responsibility or ask this help from your hired cleaning company to buy this these items for you and bill you.
You have to present at the handover personally , if you are not available or sick, or away or just do not want to deal this whole complicated handover process then you can hire some apartment handover service agent or relocation agent who can do this whole handover process on your behalf.
Contact NowYou should come at handover together with the rental contract and your apartment move in protocol to compare the condition of the apartment. Sometimes landlords or agencies want to charge you for some damage which was already accrued and mentioned in your moved in protocol. If you are not personally attending the handover then send these documents to your apartment handover service agent.
If your house or apartment has a garden then gardening maintenance is also your responsibility to have it done before the handover date.
Life span of painted walls in general is 8 years in Switzerland, it means if you already lived in a house or apartment 8 years long then you are not responsible for any painting issues. When you move in a freshly painted apartment then you are getting almost 13% deduction per year from the painting bill which you may have to pay once you will move out.
If the floor polishing, re-oiling, power-wash cleaning, are mentioned in your rental contract that it needs to be done once your move out, then inform about this to your cleaning company. A professional cleaning company which offers you an apartment cleaning with handover guarantee does not offer you a floor polishing, floor re-oiling or power-wash terraces etc. automatically. Once you mention these extra tasks to your cleaning company they will be able to quote you these extra cleaning or treatment tasks separately.
What to do in conflict situation?
If you are not agreed with the damages which your landlord wants to bill you, then do not sign the protocol. Once you have signed it they will deduct this money from your rental deposit. There is tenant association which helps the tenants , it`s not free to discuss this case with them but if your landlord wants to charge you much more amount then the fee of tenants association then one should go with tenant association. According to our experience , our opinion is , if your landlord/agency is charging you something from 100-400 Francs then it's better to accept it otherwise all legal process including tenant association will be much more expensive than this. This is just our opinion, of course you can go ahead any take any legal action you want.
Recommended for you.
What exactly a cleaning handover guarantee is? Please check here https://zuericlean.com/cleaning-handover-guarantee
Professional & experienced handover guarantee cleaning company
Handing over your apartment on your behalf or complete departure package
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